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2019 HATAB Annual Conference: 25-26 April 2019, Kasane

The 35th HATAB Annual Conference is scheduled 25 to 26 April 2019 in Kasane (Travelodge)themed “Sustainable Tourism: A Driving Force for Job Creation, Economic Growth & Development”. The Official Opening will be performed by the Vice President of the Republic of Botswana, His Honour Mr. Slumber Tsogwane, and the Minister of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism (MENT), Honourable Onkokame Kitso Mokaila delivering the keynote address.

This theme has been selected on the basis that tourism sector has been recognised by all stakeholders as a strategic sector in Botswana’s quest to diversify and transform the economy, especially in the critical dimensions of growth, inclusion, resilience and sustainability. Therefore, this Conference, it is our intention to seek to demonstrate that the tourism sector has an immense potential to significantly raise its contribution to Botswana’s economy through Government revenue receipt, job creation and to positively transforming the livelihoods of Batswana. However, it has been observed that the sector performs significantly below potential due to a range of resolvable constraints, key amongst them:

  • Deficiencies in the governance of the tourism sector: policies, strategies and plans being out dated and ill-suited to demands of the tourism sector;
  • Under -investment in the public goods necessary to support competitive development of the tourism sector;
  • Lack of adequate, relevant and up to date tourism data and analyses;
  • Under-investment in catalytic infrastructure to crowd in private investment, particularly citizen investment, thus stifling entry barriers for small investors and citizen participation;
  • An undeveloped and undiversified tourism product base;
  • Poor quality services at strategic nodes in the tourism service line, mainly at the point of entry and in hospitality facilities, and this could be due to serious gaps in the quality of the human resource base in tourism; and
  • Conflict among stakeholders, mainly between tourism activities and interests of communities that host tourism resources due to inadequate systems of governance and benefit sharing.

Based on the above, it is in the interest of HATAB to identify relevant speakers to come and assist in delivering the appropriate topics to address the them and expectations of the participants. Thus, making the conference to be more consequential and impactful of which it will inspire stakeholder confidence in the transformative potential of sustainable tourism agenda. Therefore, the following sessions will be covered to deliver the message:

  1. Tourism Policy and Governance
  2. Product development base: opportunities and challenges 
  3. Involvement of the key players in the benefit-sharing process 
  4. Sustainable financing and investment: Public and Private perspectives 
  5. Enhancing Destination Competitiveness 
  6. Government Agencies policies and legislation Updates

As per our tradition, the HATAB Annual Conferences brings together captains of the industry, business community, Senior Government officials, financial institutions, academic institutions, development partners, diplomatic missions, local communities, to reflect on challenges and opportunities which are within the tourism sector, and recommend appropriate interventions. This conference is also meant to promote business to opportunities, collaboration and partnerships among the various stakeholders.

The conference will kickstart with an evening Welcome Cocktail Reception on 26 April and a Closing Dinner at the end of the conference. As one of the key stakeholders, we look forward to your positive confirmation by signing the attached confirmation slip. The draft conference programme will be avail once ready.

HATAB Review March-April 2019

Please click on the image below to download the HATAB Review.